Friday, June 26, 2009

Wanna know what's my favorite color?

(This was an impromptu speech in my call center training class. The activity was to describe to a blind friend the color you like most.)

Let me start it with an anecdote. Two weeks ago, I took an assessment for Computer Hardware Servicing. I was excited because I'm confident I can do the job well. I did everything I can from disassembling to assembling computer parts, to installing appropriate operating system and system drivers, to browsing to the Internet. But when the last phase came, that is printer sharing, i wasn't able to make it. You might ask why. Actually, I encountered that problem already during the training but i was hesitant to ask then. i was afraid to make clarifications. Now, I get my price.

I'm damn frustrated, sad, sad and gloomy. I'm feelin' blue...
From now on, that's my favorite color. Blue.

My friend, can you picture out the color blue now?

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